Research Article | Published: 22 March 2017

Apocopis mangalorensis (Hochst. ex Steud.) Henrard and Sporobolus ioclados (Trin.) Nees, (Poaceae), Two New Records for Andhra Pradesh, India

Midigesi Anil Kumar, B. Sadasivaiah, P. Priyadarsini and Boyina Ravi Prasad Rao

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 40 | Issue: 1 | Page No. 79-81 | 2017
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Apocopis mangalorensis (Hochst. ex Steud.) Henrard and Sporobolus ioclados (Trin.) Nees, (Poaecae), collected from different localities in Kadapa district are being reported as a new distributional records to the state of Andhra Pradesh.


Apocopis, Sporobolus, New Records, Andhra Pradesh

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How to cite

Kumar, M.A., Sadasivaiah, B., Priyadarsini, P. and Rao, B.R.P., 2017. Apocopis mangalorensis (Hochst. ex Steud.) Henrard and Sporobolus ioclados (Trin.) Nees, (Poaceae), Two New Records for Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 40(1), pp.79-81.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 22 March 2017

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