Research Article | Published: 01 June 2002

Germination of Scarified Seeds of Grewia optiva

I. K. Thakur, Atul Gupta and Vidya Thakur

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 25 | Issue: 2 | Page No. 158-160 | 2002
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Study was carried out to evaluate the effect of aqueous solution of sulphuric acid in reducing the endocarp/seed coat dormancy of Grewia optiva seeds. Soaking the seeds in dilute sulphuric acid (N/10 H2SO4) for 36 hours was observed to be the most effective method for breaking this type of seed dormancy followed by N/20 H2SO4 for 6 hours under glass house conditions.


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About this article

How to cite

Thakur, I.K., Gupta, A. and Thakur, V., 2002. Germination of Scarified Seeds of Grewia optiva. Indian Journal of Forestry, 25(2), pp.158-160.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 June 2002

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