Research Article | Published: 01 December 2002

Effect of stem cutting diameter on growth and survival of Salix clones in nursery under shallow water table conditions

B. C. Saini, R. V. Singh and Peeyush Sharma

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 25 | Issue: 4 | Page No. 411-414 | 2002
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Effects of three Salix clones and four diameter classes on growth and survival of Salix species were evaluated under Tarai conditions of Pantnagar in a nursery experiment. Maximum collar diameters (2.07 cm; 2.18 cm) were recorded in S1 clone and D4 diameter class, respectively. Similarly maximum heights (258 cm; 233 cm) were observed in S3 clone and D4 diameter class, respectively. In comparison to Srinagar conditions, plant height was 1.6 to 2.2 times and collar diameter 2.0 to 2.9 times higher under Pantnagar conditions. Maximum survival under different diameter classes at Srinagar conditions ranged from 61 to 82% in comparison to 100 % at Pantnagar.


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How to cite

Saini, B.C., Singh, R.V. and Sharma, P., 2002. Effect of stem cutting diameter on growth and survival of Salix clones in nursery under shallow water table conditions. Indian Journal of Forestry, 25(4), pp.411-414.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 December 2002

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