Review Article | Published: 30 September 2023

Passiflora suberosa (Passifloraceae): from Lower Gangetic plain of West Bengal, Eastern India

Arpita Maity, Dheeman Mondal and Amal Kumar Mondal

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 46 | Issue: 2 | Page No. 110-114 | 2023
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Passiflora suberosa L. (Passifloraceae) has been documented from the lower region of the Gangetic plain in eastern India’s West Bengal. This account offers an intricate portrayal encompassing comprehensive description, nomenclature, vivid colour photographs, illustrative depictions, insight into phenology, and an extensive overview of its distribution.


Distribution, Eastern India,Lower Gangetic Plain, Passiflora suberosa, West Bengal

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How to cite

Maity, A., Mondal, D. and Mondal, A.K., 2023. Passiflora suberosa (Passifloraceae): from Lower Gangetic plain of West Bengal, Eastern India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 46(2), pp.110-114.

Publication History

Manuscript Received on 21 January 2023

Manuscript Revised on 20 September 2023

Manuscript Accepted on 25 September 2023

Manuscript Published on 30 September 2023

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