Research Article | Published: 01 December 2009

Genetic variability in Pinus gerardiana Wall. Ex Lamb. revealed by RAPD markers

Harish Singh Ginwal, Vikas Singh Jadon and Shalini Singh Maurya

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 32 | Issue: 4 | Page No. 517-521 | 2009
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Six populations of Pinus gerardiana from the states of Himachal Pradesh representing the natural range of distribution were evaluated for genetic diversity using the RAPD markers. Fifteen random decamer primers, selected from thirty-five primers initially screened, were used to assess variation. A total of 149 amplified products were generated out of which 111 amplicons were polymorphic. All selected primers produced polymorphic amplification products, however, the extent of polymorphism varied with each primer. The value of similarity coefficient had a very narrow range from 0.53 to 0.67.  The genetic distance varied from 0.32 to 0.44 between populations. The UPGMA dendrogram revealed the clustering of six populations of P. gerardiana in two clusters. First cluster consisted of four populations i.e. Lawrang, Respa, Speelo-1 and Speelo. The second cluster consisted of two populations i.e. Ampa and Kanam having a similarity coefficient of 0.66. The populations of the P. gerardiana showed high homogeneity and a very low amount of genetic divergence as evident by the very narrow range of the similarity coefficient and genetic distance. The average percent polymorphism is also very low in this species.


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How to cite

Ginwal, H.S., Jadon, V.S. and Maurya, S.S., 2009. Genetic variability in Pinus gerardiana Wall. Ex Lamb. revealed by RAPD markers. Indian Journal of Forestry, 32(4), pp.517-521.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 December 2009

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