A soil vegetation study was carried out in the Navegaon National Park (Maharashtra). Six soil profiles were excavated under the three plant communities. Physico-chemical and morphological properties of soils were studied and they are classified accordingly. The soils under the plant community Tectona – Pterocarpus – Buchanania are very deep and dark brown to yellowish brown in colour with abundance of silica and iron concretion. These are moderately drained soils with silty loam to loamy in texture. They are classified as loamy, skeletal, mixed hyperthermic family of Typic Ustorthent and Udic Haplustoll. The soils under the plant community Cleistanthus – Ougeinia – Tectona are shallow to medium in depth and dark yellowish brown to dark reddish brown in colour and silty clay loam in texture. These arer classified as loamy, mixed, hyperthermic and loamy, skeletal, mixed hyperthermic family of Udic Haplustoll and paralithic vertic Haplustoll. The soils under the plant community Cleistanthus – Terminalia – Lagerstroemia are deep silty loam in texture and dark brown in colour, acidic to neutral. These are classified as loamy, mixed, hyperthermic family of Udic Argiustoll and Udic Haplustoll.