Bardhaman (previously Burdwan) is a Western district of West Bengal. There are forest patches of tropical Dry Sal type (4B-C2A3). Out of 382 species of vascular plants, species ratio of dicot, monoct and pteridophyte is 295:80:7. Dicots score higher percentages over monocots and thus have greater contribution to the flora. Williams’ Index (956.75) and most families with few species, indicate a heterogeneous and diverse community. As per ten dominant families, Nadia is closest district of Bardhaman while Hooghly is farthest. Relative percent values of Tree, Shrub, Herb and Vine (20.16, 15.97, 48.95 and 14.92 respectively) indicate a discontinuous canopy creating moderate degree of canopy-hindrance. Different patches of the ground noticeably differ in ground vegetation with different plant societies. Different stress factors, changing soil niche and microhabitat and disturbing the regeneration potential are to be addressed for determining ex-ante adequate measures.
Saal forest, William’s index of generic diversity, Coefficient of generic diversity, Phytocensus, Euclidean distance