Research Article | Published: 20 September 2019

Evaluating Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Potential of Tree Species in Subtropical and Humid forest of Brahmaputra Valley, Assam

Sabi Gogoi and M. Hussain

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 42 | Issue: 3 | Page No. 291-294 | 2019
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Soil organic carbon sequestration potential of different tree was analyzed in every year. Five years after plantation average soil organic carbon was recorded highest under fast growing non legume trees (1.82 %) followed by medium growing (1.72 %) and then slow growing (1.60 %). SOC sequestration potential of legume tree species was significantly lower. It was 1.80 % under fast growing legumes, 1.58 % in medium growing and 1.55 % in slow growing legume trees. On individual comparison of non legume trees, Anthocephalus chinensis found to sequester more (1.98%) carbon as soil organic carbon followed by Trewia nudiflora (1.66%), Alstonia scholaris (1.62%) and Lagerstroemia.speciosa (1.57%).  Lowest soil organic carbon sequestration was found under Chukrasia. tabularis (1.26%). No significant difference was observed in SOC sequestration potential between Dipterocarpus retusus, Artocarpus chaplasha, Ficus hispida, Mallotus albus, Litsea nitida, Castanopsis indica, Taphrosia candida, Albizzia procera and A. lebbek.


Legume, Non legume, trees, SOC, Sequestration, Brabmaputra Valley, Assam

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How to cite

Gogoi, S. and Hussain, M., 2019. Evaluating Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Potential of Tree Species in Subtropical and Humid forest of Brahmaputra Valley, Assam. Indian Journal of Forestry, 42(3), pp.291-294.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 20 September 2019

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