A study was conducted for two years (2003-2005) to find out the effect of age of ortets on performance of nursery. Cuttings of uniform length (clone PL-5) from one year old plants and from the branches of trees of 2, 3 and 4 year age were prepared. The trial was planted following randomized zblock design with four replications, only 12 cuttings were kept per plot. Data recorded on survival, height and collar diameter. The experiment was repeated during 2004-2005 with seven treatments (cuttings from 1, 3, 4, and 5 year old plants along with cuttings from last year treatments (after one year rejuvenation) and with plot size of 16 cuttings. During first year, significant treatment differences were observed for survival and collar diameter. The survival decreased from 94.17 per cent (control) to 16.67 per cent (4 yr age). The collar diameter was also the lowest in 4 year age (2.40 cm) and maximum in control (3.22 cm). Similar trend was witnessed during 2004-2005 with the highest values of survival, height and collar diameter in case of control. The progressive decrease in all parameters was observed as the age of cuttings increased (5 year). The cuttings from plants after one year rejuvenation (T5, T6 and T7) recorded relatively improved survival and growth parameters. However, these were significantly lower than those of control. This showed that cuttings from mature trees are not suitable for generating nursery stock.