This study investigates the effect of anthropogenic disturbances on tree community structure and their regeneration in Anaikatty hills, Western Ghats. The study was conducted in the reserve forests of Anaikatty hills and the adjoining Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) Campus. Three habitats namely undisturbed, moderately disturbed and highly disturbed stands were identified on the basis of various signs of disturbances such as lopping, cattle grazing, nearness to human habitation, collection of non-woody forest produces etc. The study revealed a higher level of disturbance, altered diversity and other characteristics. The community structure showed a picture of floristic change from Albizia amara - Cordia monoica - Canthium dicoccum to Pleiospermium alatum - Ehretia ovalifolia - Maba buxifolia to Chloroxylon swietenia - Prosopis juliflora - Albizia amara in different disturbance regimes. In all the stands, vegetation showed a trend of change from its original community structure. The regeneration of the area was affected badly in all the three stands.