Research Article | Published: 15 May 2024

New records and range extension of two species of Cheilolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae: Marchantiophyta) from Meghalaya, India

Shashi Kumar and Sushil Kumar Singh

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 46 | Issue: 4 | Page No. 233-241 | 2023
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Two very little known Cheilolejeunea species in India, viz., Cheilolejeunea eximia (Jovet-Ast & Tixier) R.L.Zhu & M.L.So and Cheilolejeunea osumiensis (S.Hatt.) Mizut. are reported here for the first time from Meghalaya. Of which, the former was earlier known in India from Arunachal Pradesh only, while the latter from Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim. Description of both the species with notes on habitat, distribution and SEM details are provided in present communication.


Bryoflora, North-east India, SEM, Survey

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How to cite

Kumar, S. and Singh, S.K., 2023. New records and range extension of two species of Cheilolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae: Marchantiophyta) from Meghalaya, India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 46(4), pp.233-241.

Publication History

Manuscript Received on 01 December 2023

Manuscript Revised on 27 December 2023

Manuscript Accepted on 29 December 2023

Manuscript Published on 15 May 2024

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