The article highlights the regression models to estimate the biomass of twelve shrub species commonly found in the Western Himalaya. After analysis it was found that for most of the species log linear and curvilinear prediction equation gave coefficient of determination (R2) with higher value which, show the fitness of the equation to precision. However, for species like Leptodermis lanceolata, Justica adhatoda, Vitex negundo and Mimosa himalayana, girth and length are not good predictors for leaf biomass estimation. Thus both girth and length should be used to predict branch and total biomass of shrubs. The prediction equations developed in the present study can be used to provide the precise biomass estimate corresponding to any girth and length. This can be done by converting girth and length to a natural logarithm. The natural logarithm of biomass in grams can then be obtained by solving the equation. After measuring the girth and length of stems and using prediction equation the precise estimate of total yield of any shrub can be obtained.