Research Article | Published: 01 June 2010

On the distribution of Cordia Crenata Delile, hitherto considered to be a rare and endemic taxon

C. B. Gena, Abid Ali Khan and Dilip Gena

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 33 | Issue: 2 | Page No. 207-209 | 2010
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Cordia crenata Delile, belonging to family Ehretiaceae had earlier been regarded as a rare and endemic tree, being reported only from Ajmer (Rajasthan) throughout India. Outside India C. crenata has been reported only as a cultivated tree in Egypt. A recent survey of South Rajasthan and parts of Gujarat state undertaken by the authors has revealed the occurrence of C. crenata at many places in good numbers.  Hence, C. crenata is no more a rare and an endemic tree.


Rare, Endemic, Ehretiaceae, Cultivated tree, Flora of Rajasthan, Exstipulate, Dichotomous cyme, Epipetalous

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How to cite

Gena, C.B., Khan, A.A. and Gena, D., 2010. On the distribution of Cordia Crenata Delile, hitherto considered to be a rare and endemic taxon. Indian Journal of Forestry, 33(2), pp.207-209.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 June 2010

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