Research Article | Published: 01 March 2002

Collar rot disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Teak (Tectona grandis Linn.f.) - A new record from the nurseries of Tamil Nadu

K. R. Ramesh

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 25 | Issue: 1 | Page No. 87-88 | 2002
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Collar rot in the seedlings of Teak (Tectona grandis Linn.f), a serious nursery disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn anamorph of Thanatephorus cucumeris is recorded for the first time from Tamil Nadu. An account is given on the disease symptoms, pathogenicity test and isolation of casual organism. The disease incidence was found maximum in the month of July, August and September which ranged from 20 per cent to 100 per cent.


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How to cite

Ramesh, K.R., 2002. Collar rot disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Teak (Tectona grandis Linn.f.) - A new record from the nurseries of Tamil Nadu. Indian Journal of Forestry, 25(1), pp.87-88.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 March 2002

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