Research Article | Published: 30 June 2023

Two new distributional records for the flora of Madhya Pradesh, India

Kolagani  Chandramohan, Dudipala Ravivarma and Madhuri Thakre

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 46 | Issue: 1 | Page No. 50-53 | 2023
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Iphigenia magnifica and Paspalum canarae are reported here for the first time from Madhya Pradesh state. Detailed descriptions, photo plates and relevant notes are provided for easy identification.


Endemic, Iphigenia, Madhya Pradesh, Paspalum, Rocky crevices

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How to cite

Chandramohan, K., Ravivarma, D. and Thakre, M., 2023. Two new distributional records for the flora of Madhya Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 46(1), pp.50-53.

Publication History

Manuscript Received on 12 May 2023

Manuscript Revised on 21 June 2023

Manuscript Accepted on 26 June 2023

Manuscript Published on 30 June 2023

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