Research Article | Published: 01 December 2002

Effect of seed size and storage temperature on germination of Toona ciliata seeds

Poonam Sharma, Vidya Thakur and Pankaj Panwar

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 25 | Issue: 4 | Page No. 420-423 | 2002
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Study carried out to see the effect of size of seed and storage temperature on germination of Toona ciliata seeds reveals that the size of the seeds have no significant difference on germination. It was observed that seeds loose their germination when stored at room temperature (18–200C) whereas, at low temperature (6–80C) they maintained 90 % germination up to one year.


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How to cite

Sharma, P., Thakur, V. and Panwar, P., 2002. Effect of seed size and storage temperature on germination of Toona ciliata seeds. Indian Journal of Forestry, 25(4), pp.420-423.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 December 2002

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