Research Article | Published: 01 March 2010

Variation studies in Eucalyptus: III effect of time of emergence on seedling growth in Eucalyptus Camaldulensis (Dehnhardt)

H. C. Sindhuveerendra and Sumita Sircar

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 33 | Issue: 1 | Page No. 63-66 | 2010
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Half- sib seeds from 18 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Dehnhardt) candidate plus trees (CPT) were sown and the time taken for seedling emergence was recorded. Seeds from some CPTs emerged after 5 days while few emerged after 7 days. Seedlings were maintained in the poly bags for 4 months and later transplanted in to the field. To find out the effect of time of emergence on growth, total height, collar diameter, and number of branches were measured after three months in the field. ANOVA on GLM revealed highly significant intra-genotypic variability in both the groups of seedlings. However, Student’s t- test exhibited in-significant differences between these groups indicating negligible effect of emergence time on tree growth. It was assumed that environmental variables and the dispersion mechanisms might have led to the creation of variability in seed germination regimes but the selection forces eroded that variability in morphological features, giving more importance to physiological selection.


Candidate plus trees (CPT), Intra-genotypic variability, Tree growth, Seed germination, Morphological features, Physiological selection

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How to cite

Sindhuveerendra, H.C. and Sircar, S., 2010. Variation studies in Eucalyptus: III effect of time of emergence on seedling growth in Eucalyptus Camaldulensis (Dehnhardt). Indian Journal of Forestry, 33(1), pp.63-66.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 March 2010

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