A nursery trial of Pinus wallichiana and Cupressus torulosa with nine different sowing dates spread over autumn, winter and spring was conducted during 2002-2003. Germination in case of Pinus wallichiana was better where seeds were sown in the month of February, but in Cupressus torulosa germination during December, February and first fortnight of March was uniform. Survival percentage of seedlings was more in seeds sown in the month of February. Time taken for completion of germination decreased as sowing proceeded from autumn to spring. Seedling development in terms of height and diameter was better in seeds sown on 15th of November (autumn), but seedlings obtained from 1st February sown seeds are also of comparable good quality. The study concluded that in order to get good germination, better survival, good quality seedlings and cost effective nursery seeds should be sown in the nursery in the first fortnight of February (winter), instead of sowing in autumn season as is normally practiced.