Fissidens griffithii, a moss, earlier known to occur only in Bhutan, is recorded for India from the southern Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu. A detailed description and an illustration are provided.
Fissidens griffithii, a moss, earlier known to occur only in Bhutan, is recorded for India from the southern Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu. A detailed description and an illustration are provided.
1. Chopra, R.S. and Kumar, S.S. (1981). Mosses of the Western Himalayas and adjacent plains. Ann. Cryptog. Phytopathol., 5: 1-142.
2. Gangulee, H.C. (1964). Additions to the mosses of eastern India and adjacent regions. I. Nova Hedwigia, 8: 139-150.
3. Gangulee, H.C. (1971). Mosses of eastern India and adjacent regions. 1(2): 171-566.
Daniels, A.E.D. and Daniel, P., 2003. Fissidens griffithii Gangulee (Musci: Fissidentales) - An addition to the bryoflora of India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 26(2), pp.193-194. https://doi.org/10.54207/bsmps1000-2003-KYZL67
Manuscript Published on 01 June 2003
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