Research Article | Published: 30 June 2023

Distributional note on Boerhavia erecta (Nyctaginaceae)

Prabhat Kumar, Satya Narain, Rahul and Deepak Kumar Gond

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 46 | Issue: 1 | Page No. 40-42 | 2023
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During floristic survey in August 2022, Boerhavia erecta L. (Nyctaginaceae) was collected from Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh, India. A taxonomic description of the plant along with photographs is provided for easy identification.


Boerhavia erecta, floristic exploration, Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh

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About this article

How to cite

Kumar, P., Narain, S., Rahul and Gond, D.K., 2023. Distributional note on Boerhavia erecta (Nyctaginaceae). Indian Journal of Forestry, 46(1), pp.40-42.

Publication History

Manuscript Received on 30 March 2023

Manuscript Revised on 26 April 2023

Manuscript Accepted on 28 April 2023

Manuscript Published on 30 June 2023

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