Research Article | Published: 01 December 2009

Selection of suitable growth regulators and its concentration for better germination and seedling growth of Himalayan Dogwood (Benthamidia capitata Wall. Ex Roxb.)

Birendra Prasad and Rajendra Prasad

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 32 | Issue: 4 | Page No. 523-527 | 2009
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The paper deals with two concentrations of growth regulators, viz GA3, IAA, IBA and NAA at 100 and 200 mgl-1, respectively and ethanol 1% and 2% and tap water as a control for 24 hours soaking for germination of Benthamidia capitata seed and subsequent growth of seedlings. The maximum germination was noticed in 200 mgl-1 IAA at par with GA3 for same concentration. The percent germination increased with the increase in concentration from 100 to 200 mgl-1 in GA3, IAA and ethanol while reverse trend was observed in IBA and NAA. In growth parameters, the maximum value for shoot and seedling length and vigor index were observed for IAA 200 mgl-1 while root length was found highest in IBA 100 mgl-1 in both the years. Significantly lowest seedling growth was recorded in control except NAA 200 mgl-1 which showed detrimental influence on root and seedling growth.


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How to cite

Prasad, B. and Prasad, R., 2009. Selection of suitable growth regulators and its concentration for better germination and seedling growth of Himalayan Dogwood (Benthamidia capitata Wall. Ex Roxb.). Indian Journal of Forestry, 32(4), pp.523-527.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 December 2009

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