Research Article | Published: 01 June 2014

Economic Importance of Genus Apion (Apioninae: Apionidae: Curculionoidea: Coleptera)

Neelima  Talwar

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 37 | Issue: 2 | Page No. 171-178 | 2014
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The biology of common Indian species Apion (Thymapion) majorinum Fst. has been studied in detail. The variations in food habits of 31 other species have been given in relation to feeding behaviour of Apion (T.) majorinum Fst. The importance of Apion amplum (Fst.) and Apion clavipes Gerst. as pests of edible legumes and Apion corchori Mar. as destroyer of jute has been stressed. The species attacking stems, roots, leaves and flowers including buds have been listed separately. These species attack members of plant families Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Polygonaceae and Malvaceae.


Feeding behaviour, Pest, Edible legumes, Larva, Galls, Thalamus

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How to cite

Talwar, N., 2014. Economic Importance of Genus Apion (Apioninae: Apionidae: Curculionoidea: Coleptera). Indian Journal of Forestry, 37(2), pp.171-178.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 June 2014

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