Research Article | Published: 15 May 2024

On the identity and nomenclature of a climbing bamboo Melocalamus macclellandii

Harsh Bardhan Naithani and Manish Kumar Kandwal

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume: 46 | Issue: 4 | Page No. 218-224 | 2023
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Bentham in the year 1881 described a monospecific climbing bamboo genus Melocalamus. After hundred years later in 1983 the second species M. elevatissimus Hsueh & Yi was described from Tibet. At present its 15 species and one variety known from the world, three species from India. The genus was later merged with Dinochloa Buse. However, at present both are considered distinct. A species Dinochloa macclellandii initially described on vegetative characters which was subsequently transferred under Melocalamus and a combination Melocalamus macclellandii (Munro) Naithani was proposed. The present paper discusses the identity of M. macclellandii. Distinguishing characters for the genera have been provided, the epithet Melocalamus macclellandii (Munro) Naithani has been retained. Colour photographs, illustration and descriptions of the floral parts have now been provided for the first time.


Bamboo, Distribution, Melocalamus macclellandii, Nomenclature

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How to cite

Naithani, H.B. and Kandwal, M.K., 2023. On the identity and nomenclature of a climbing bamboo Melocalamus macclellandii. Indian Journal of Forestry, 46(4), pp.218-224.

Publication History

Manuscript Received on 02 November 2023

Manuscript Revised on 08 December 2023

Manuscript Accepted on 11 December 2023

Manuscript Published on 15 May 2024

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