A study was conducted to analyze diversity richness and correlation between different diversity richness at species level. Nine Quadrates of 10 x 10m sample plots were laid out randomly and enumerated the trees for various studies. Species wise Importance Value Index, Shannon-Weiner Index, Simpson Index were calculated. Tree density varies from 11.11 to 144.44 ha-1 with the average basal area of 608.30 m2/ha-1. The Shannon-Weiner Index (H') ranges from 0.061 to 0.314. The Simpson Index varies from 0.00021 to 0.0355. The Margalef Species Richness Index varies from 3.65 to 56.54. Further, the relative density (1.45 to 18.84), relative frequency (2 to 14) and relative dominance (0.21 to 23.70) were studied in the Andaman tropical evergreen forest, Middle Andaman. The population density of tree species across girth class intervals shows that 61.20% of the trees (41 individuals) belongs to 30-60 cm gbh followed by 11.9% of the trees under the 60-90 cm gbh, 7.50% of trees under 90-120 cm gbh, 8.96 % of individuals in 150-180 cm gbh, 5.97% of individuals in 180-210 gbh category and only 4.5% in >300 cm gbh category. The present study can serve as baseline information for long term monitoring and sustaining the phyto-diversity of Andaman tropical evergreen forest in Middle Andamans.
Temporal, Simpson index, Species diversity index, Relative dominance, Quadrants, Mangrove, Species richness