Note on the flowering of Dendrocalamus sikkimensis from West Bengal, India
Harsh Bardhan Naithani and S. T. S. Lepcha
Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 44 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 145 - 147
Published: 31-05-2022
Dendrocalamus sikkimensis, an attractive bamboo known from North-east India, Nepal, China and Bhutan. In the past it has flowered in 1885 from Sikkim; 1897 from Bhutan; 1916, 1917, 1921, 1982 and 1991 from West Bengal; 1887, 1977, 1979, 2003 from Mizoram and 2013 from Meghalaya respectively. Recently it has gregariously flowered in Kalimpong, West Bengal in April 2022 after a lapse of 60-65 years.
Seed sources variation in growth traits of Grewia optiva (Beul)
Hari Paul Sankhyan, Jyoti Dhiman, Prachi and Shanti Swarup Sharma
Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 44 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 148 - 154
Published: 31-05-2022
The study was conducted to estimate genetic variability among different seed sources of Grewia optiva Drummond under field conditions in Himachal Pradesh, India. Seed source (S8) Barthi exhibited outstanding performance for growth parameters. Based on the progeny performance, genotypes S1G1 (Uncha-gaon), S2G3 (Gaddo), S3G2 (Jajjar), S5G2 (Bala) and S6G3 (Jinzkari) were found to be most promising for growth traits. The percentage of genotypic coefficient of variance (GCV) and phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) was recorded maximum for branch angle i.e., 40.56% and 40.65%, respectively. Percentage of phenotypic coefficient of variation observed higher than genotypic coefficient of variations for all the traits. Highly significant and positive genotypic and phenotypic correlation was observed in plant height with number of branches (rg=0.324, rp=0.317) and leaf area with basal diameter (rg=0.326, rp=.307). High heritability was reported for all growth traits. The highest genetic gain was recorded for branch angle (54.74) and moderate for leaf area (29.95). Genotypes were clustered into two distinct groups using hierarchical clustering analysis. The maximum inter- cluster distance was observed between S2G3 and S7G2, whereas, the maximum intra-cluster distance was observed between S2G3 and S8G3 in cluster I and S1G1 and S7G2 in cluster II. Principal components (PCI-PCIV) cumulatively accounted for 76.31% of total variation. The PCA I explained 23.18% of the total variance, associated with plant height, branch angle, basal diameter.
Flower visitors and potential pollinating insects of Elaeocarpus angustifolius, the Rudraksha plant from India
Pooja Singh and Amar Nath Singh
Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 44 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 155 - 159
Published: 31-05-2022
Studies on flower visitors and potential pollinating insects of Elaeocarpus angustifolius Bl., the Rudraksha plant from India have been carried out for the first time. A total of 19 species belonging to order Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Hemiptera were recorded as visitors of the flowers or pollinating insects. These include 4 species of bees, 2 species of ants, 02 species of moths, 10 species of butterflies and 1 species of bug. Species of honey bees mainly Apis cerana indica and Apis florae and butterfly species like Rapala nissa nissa and Rapala varuna were assumed as the putative pollinating insects of Rudraksha plant under cultivation, while other insects were considered as flower visitors.
Persicaria microcephala (Polygonaceae) - A new distributional record for Himachal Pradesh, India
Om Prakash, Vikas Kumar and Sanjay Kumar Uniyal
Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 44 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 160 - 162
Published: 31-05-2022
The present paper reports Persicaria microcephala (D. Don) H. Gross (Polygonaceae) as a new distributional record for Himachal Pradesh. A detailed description along with field photographs and dissected floral parts of the species is provided for easy identification.
On the occurrence of Mucuna monosperma (Leguminosae) in West Bengal, India
Animesh Maji and Kaliyamurthy Karthigeyan
Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 44 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 163 - 165
Published: 31-05-2022
The ambiguity regarding the occurrence of Mucuna monosperma DC. ex Wight in West Bengal, India is resolved based on its recent collection. Detailed description, photo plate and notes on its distribution, habitat and uses are provided.
Flemingia nana (Leguminosae: Cajaninae) - an addition to the flora of Telangana, India
Jetti Swamy and Ladan Rasingam
Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 44 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 166 - 168
Published: 31-05-2022
Flemingia nana Roxb. (Leguminosae: Cajaninae) is reported here as an addition to the flora of Telangana from the Eastern Ghats (Kinnerasani Wildlife Sanctuary) of Telangana. A detailed description and a photo plate are provided to facilitate easy identification.
Effect of ageing on germination and seedling vigour of teak (Tectona grandis) drupes
Subramanian Venkatesan, Poomaruthai Masilamani, Tamilmani Eevera, Ponnusamy Janaki, Sendrayaperumal Sundareswaran and Perumal Rajkumar
Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 44 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 169 - 173
Published: 31-05-2022
Studies were conducted to find out the influence of accelerated and natural ageing on germination and seedling vigour of fresh teak drupes. The drupes were subjected to the following natural and accelerated ageing treatments viz., control, accelerated ageing for 1 to 15 days at 40oC and 100% RH and naturally ageing (stored at ambient temperature) for 1 to 15 months. The accelerated and natural aged drupes were placed for germination in sand filled earthen pots and kept in sunlight. The experiment was conducted in a Completely Randomized Block Design with ten replications. Germination percentage, number of seedlings/100 drupes, time taken for initial emergence, root length, shoot length, dry matter production and vigour index were recorded 28 days after sowing. The result revealed that the teak drupes subjected to accelerated ageing for 12 days had higher germination (40.6 percent) against 8.2 percent in control and showed an increasing trend with increased period of accelerated ageing (though not very consistently) up to 12 days and thereafter germination was reduced. Whereas in natural ageing treatment, drupes aged 15 months recorded highest germination of 29.2 percent. In natural storage, months after months storage drupes germination was increased. From this study, it could be concluded that instead of storing the drupes over a period of time to natural release of dormancy, 12 days of accelerated ageing enhanced the germination and seedling vigour of teak drupes.
Comparative biology of Phycodes radiata (Lepidoptera: Brachodidae) on four host plants of Moraceae family
Om Datta
Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 44 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 174 - 178
Published: 31-05-2022
Fig leaf roller moth, Phycodes radiata is a minor, polyphagous and sporadic pest of the ficus plants in the Moraceae family. The comparative biology of P. radiata was evaluated on four host plants: Ficus benjamina, F. benghalensis, F. glomerata, and F. religiosa. The eggs hatch after an incubation period of 6.80±0.70, 6.82±0.72, 6.80±0.71, and 6.82±0.73 days. The hatching percentages of the eggs were recorded to be highest (95%) on F. religiosa and the lowest (82%) on F. benghalensis. The total larval period was recorded as 19.80±2.91, 19.85±3.0, 19.57±3.37 and 19.36±3.29 days respectively, the longest on F. benghalensis and the shortest on F. religiosa. The male pupal period lasted for 9.80±0.50, 9.80±0.40, 9.80±0.45 and 9.80±0.49 days; and the female pupal period was 9.67±0.79, 9.66±0.74, 9.67±0.78 and 9.67±0.80 days respectively. The male longevity was observed as 5.87±0.33, 5.88±0.32, 5.87±0.35 and 5.88±0.36 days, whereas, the female longevity was recorded to be 7.89±0.49, 7.87±0.48, 7.90±0.52 and 7.89±0.55 days respectively on four host plants.
Report of invasive species Croton hirtus from Andhra Pradesh, India
Jetti Swamy and Ladan Rasingam
Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 44 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 179 - 181
Published: 31-05-2022
Croton hirtus L’ Her., an aggressive invasive weed, native to W. Indies and Central and South America is reported as an addition to the Flora of Andhra Pradesh from Chittoor District. Detailed description and photo plate are provided for easy identification.
Note on the extended distribution of an endemic species Thrixspermum patkaiensis (Orchidaceae) to Arunachal Pradesh, North East India
Khyanjeet Gogoi, Krishna Chowlu and Veenet Kumar Rawat
Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 44 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 182 - 184
Published: 31-05-2022
Thrixspermum patkaiensis, hitherto known as an endemic species of Assam is reported here as an addition to the flora of Arunachal Pradesh.