Research Article | Published: 01 June 2003

Forest flora in the life and economy of the tribals of santhal parganas, jharkhand

C. B. Singh

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume: 10 | Issue: 1/2 | Page No. 20-33 | 2003
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The forest of Santhal Parganas (Jharkhand) is rich in the diversity of flora. Its extant flora affords the basic needs of the tribals living amidst the forest for centuries. The tribals put the forest flora and its parts/ products in their diverse domestic uses as food, fuel, fodder, fibre, bamboowares, timber, medicine, oil, fish poison, etc., and also they sell these things to earn money. To sustain both the surviving forest as well as the tribals dwelling therein, it is imperative to stop deforestation, set up/encourage forest-based labour intensive works (sabai grass-based rope making industry, bamboo-based basketry, fruit-based preservation industry, bidi industry, lac-tasar-mulberry silk culture, gum-resin-dye extraction, eating plate preparation, etc.) and emphasize plantation as per preference of the tribal race of the concerned area.


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How to cite

Singh, C.B., 2003. Forest flora in the life and economy of the tribals of santhal parganas, jharkhand. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, 10(1/2), pp.20-33.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 June 2003

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