Welcome to the Journal of Non Timber Forest Products online submission site.
Authors need to register with the Portal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process of submission of manuscript.
Before submission please refer to the Authors Guidelines & Submission Checklist:
To submit a manuscript you will need.
Select Issue Type (Regular, Special if no special issues are their then only regular issue option would be there)
(A) Select Article Type
(B) Enter Article Metadata
(C) Save & Continue
Notice: Indian Journal of Forestry enforces a double-blind review policy. Please ensure that any personal details that could reveal your identity or that of your co-authors, including file properties, have been removed from all your submission files before upload. (SEE HOW TO MAKE YOUR ARTICLE READY FOR DOUBLE-ANONYMOUS PEER REVIEW)
(A) Click Upload Files to select and upload submission files.
(B) Check the assigned File Type for each submission file and edit if needed.
(C) Select a File Type if none has been assigned. Mandatory File Types are indicated in the drop-down list.
(D) File Type:
(E) Upload as many files as needed for your manuscript.
(F) To designate the order in which your files appear, use the dropdowns in the Order column.
(F) These files will be combined into a single PDF document for the peer review process.
(G) View your uploaded files by clicking on PDF. Your text and figure file(s) will be converted a PDF document so that they can be viewed and printed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. The files in the PDF document will be presented in the order specified.
(H) If the PDF does not convert automatically or if it takes more than a few minutes to load, close the window and try again. The "PDF" button will be checked at the left of this form as soon as the PDF is attempted. You can look at the PDF as many times as you want.
(I) When you are finished, click "Save and continue".
(A) Suggest Reviewers* (Minimum 3)
Please suggest potential reviewers for this manuscript. Enter contact information for each suggested reviewer in the fields below (required fields are marked with an *) and provide your reason for suggesting him or her in the comments box. The editorial office may not use your suggestions, but they are greatly appreciated.
(B) Funding acknowledgement
Please confirm that you have acknowledged all organizations that funded your research, and provided grant numbers where appropriate.*
(C) All funding sources have been acknowledged.
(D) Author statement
Please confirm that all authors acknowledge that the material presented in this manuscript has not been previously published, except in abstract form, nor is it simultaneously under consideration by any other journal.
(E) This manuscript or a very similar manuscript has not been published, nor is under consideration by any other journal.
(F) Click Save & Continue to proceed to the next step.
(A) Review Document
(B) Click on the 'Submit' button to complete the online manuscript submission.
(C) The status of the submitted manuscript will appear in the dash board of the Author’s section. 2. You can view the submitted files by clicking on the ‘View Files’ button
On successful Submission of the manuscript an email along with a PDF copy of the article with a manuscript number & date of receiving would be sent to all authors