Research Article | Published: 01 March 1998

Growth analysis of Lac production

A. K. Jaiswal and S. K. Saha

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1/2 | Page No. 64-66 | 1998
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Quinquennial and decade-wise simple growth rates and instability for lac production in India over a 65 year period have been computed. The data revealed that except during thirties, fifties and nineties, the growth rates were negative. Highest negative growth rate and instability was witnessed during the sixties. Study of the year-wise per cent fluctuation from trend line established that the shortfall in lac production is not cyclic in nature.


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How to cite

Jaiswal, A.K. and Saha, S.K., 1998. Growth analysis of Lac production. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, 5(1/2), pp.64-66.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 March 1998

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