Research Article | Published: 01 March 1998

Bamboos for farming

P. Shanmughavel and K. Francis

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1/2 | Page No. 82-84 | 1998
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Bamboo resources in their natural habitat, 60% of the raw material supply to pulp and paper industries, dwindled due to over-exploitation, shifting cultivation practices, gregarious flowering and extensive forest fires. Hence, the need for cultivation of bamboo is stressed. A brief note on bamboo farming is described.


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1. Shanmughavel, P. and K. Francis (1993a). Studies on the growth of Bambusa bambos at Kallipatty, Tamil Nadu. BIC - India Bulletin, 3(2): 46-48.

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2. Shanmughavel, P. and K. Francis (1993b). Economics of Bambusa arandinacea plantations. Van Vigyan, 32(3 & 4): 90-93.

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How to cite

Shanmughavel, P. and Francis, K., 1998. Bamboos for farming. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, 5(1/2), pp.82-84.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 March 1998

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