An experiment, on effect of tree-crop combinations and nitrogen levels on economic returns from Mucuna pruriens L. based Agroforestry Systems, was carried out during 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 in experimental farm of Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh. M. pruriens was grown in association with Prunus persica (Peach), Grewia optiva, Morus alba and Setaria sphacelata. Three nitrogen doses applied to M. pruriens were 40, 80 and 120 kg/ha. The net returns were calculated on financial (farmer’s land) and economic (rented land) basis. Mucuna seeds accrued maximum net financial returns of Rs. 20436/ha and 20286/ha, grown in association with Grewia and Setaria and Peach and Setaria, respectively. Application of nitrogen level from 40, 80 to 120 kg per hectare increased the yield of seed and hence the net returns giving maximum at 120 kg N/ha. Peach and setaria under Peach + Setaria + M. pruriens system gave maximum net returns to the tune of Rs. 38328/ha, followed by Peach, Morus and Setaria (Peach + Morus + Setaria + M. pruriens) giving Rs. 37052/ha. Total net financial returns from all components were maximum (Rs. 58614/ha) from Peach + Setaria + M. pruriens followed by Peach + Morus + Setaria + M. pruriens amounting to Rs. 56889/ha. Sole crop accrued minimum net returns (Rs. 20286/ha). The benefit cost ratio (B:C ratio) was maximum (2.41) for Peach + Setaria + M. pruriens, followed by Morus + Setaria + M. pruriens, whereas, sole crop of Mucuna gave minimum B:C ratio of 1.77. Thus, the net returns from Agroforestry Systems were higher as compared to sole crop. The nitrogen application increased the yield and hence net returns from intercrop also had similar effect. Thus, fruit based systems gave higher returns per rupee investment as compared to fodder based systems on farmer’s own land as well as if the entrepreneur is practicing these systems on rented land.