Research Article | Published: 01 June 2001

Ethnoveterinary herbal medicines of Nasik district, Maharashtra (India)

M. V. Patil and D. A. Patil

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume: 8 | Issue: 1/2 | Page No. 19-24 | 2001
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During ethnobotanical surveys in Nasik District, Maharashtra, 31 species useful in veterinary medicines were recorded. The phytomedicine consists of a sole drug or a principal drug with few other aids. The local name/s, ethnomedicinal preparation, mode of administration, dosage and any belief associated with them, etc., have been noted with due care and gathered from medicine men and other experienced informants among the ethnic tribes of the district.


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About this article

How to cite

Patil, M.V. and Patil, D.A., 2001. Ethnoveterinary herbal medicines of Nasik district, Maharashtra (India). Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, 8(1/2), pp.19-24.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 June 2001

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