Taking note of the fact that bamboo is a source of income for poor in India including floodplain areas of Uttar Pradesh, present study was undertaken in Uttar Pradesh to assess the importance of utilizing bamboo as an important source of feed and fodder for livestock. Bamboo leaves and twigs, being palatable, can be chewed by cattle and it can be used as a nutrient rich green fodder and dry fodder for cattle in rural areas thereby reducing the consumption of expensive feed concentrates for livestock, poultry and fish. Under current societal regimes, very few people use bamboo leaves as a livestock fodder. Bamboo leaves and twigs and concentrates when used as a supplement yielded satisfactory results. Ensuring continuous supply of nutrient rich feed and fodder is critical to the agriculture, dairy and meat production and also fisheries. The present paper discusses the methods to explore the potential of bamboo as feed and fodder for livestock to improve the overall health and productivity of livestock.
Bamboo, Cattle, Feed, Fodder, Livestock, Leaves, Productivity, Supplements