Invited Commentary | Published: 31 December 2020

Bamboo: A Sustainable Precursor for Production of Activated Charcoal- An Industrial Adsorbent

Subhash Bhatia, Aanand Fiske, Vijay Karadbhajne and Amit Agrawal

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume: 27 | Issue: 2 | Page No. 64-67 | 2020
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Activated carbon is an important component of filter material for the removal of hazardous components in exhaust gases, for the purification of drinking water and for waste water treatment. The demand for activated carbon will continue to rise due to its wide range of use as a result of environmental compliances in many countries. Present paper focuses on synthesis of Activated Charcoal from various species of Bamboo and its application in the areas of Air and Water filtration. It is found that bamboo has the potential to be a promising precursor for the production of activated carbon. The characteristics of the bamboo activated carbon are comparable with commercial ones. Some species of bamboo were reported to have Iodine Value of about 1100mg/ gm (ASTM, 2011).


Activated Charcoal, Air Filtration, Bamboo, Iodine Number, Water Filtration

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How to cite

Bhatia, S., Fiske, A., Karadbhajne, V. and Agrawal, A., 2020. Bamboo: A Sustainable Precursor for Production of Activated Charcoal- An Industrial Adsorbent. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, 27(2), pp.64-67.

Publication History

Manuscript Received on 19 March 2020

Manuscript Revised on 01 August 2020

Manuscript Accepted on 24 August 2020

Manuscript Published on 31 December 2020

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