Research Article | Published: 01 December 2003

In vitro organogenesis from leaflet explants in Bacopa monnieri Linn., an important medicinal plant

Yogeshwar  Mishra, P. K. Rana, Abha Rani and P. H. Chawhaan

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume: 10 | Issue: 3/4 | Page No. 212-217 | 2003
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Regeneration of both shoot bud and root was achieved from leaflet explants in Bacopa monnieri cultured on MS medium supplemented with graded doses of BA and NAA. The proximal portion of leaflet gave better response in terms of both percentage frequency and number of shoots per explant in comparison to the middle and distal parts. Maximum in vitro regeneration of plantlets was achieved on the medium containing higher concentration of BA (10 mm) and lower concentration of NAA (1.0 mm). In vitro raised plantlets were successfully hardened and transferred to the field. 100% plantlets survived when transferred to the field.


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How to cite

Mishra, Y., Rana, P.K., Rani, A. and Chawhaan, P.H., 2003. In vitro organogenesis from leaflet explants in Bacopa monnieri Linn., an important medicinal plant. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, 10(3/4), pp.212-217.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 December 2003

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