Plant hormones Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and Gibberellic acid (GA3) were sprayed in Quercus serrata auct. non Thunb. syn. Q. acutissima Carr. leaves in different concentrations (100, 300, 500, 700, 1000 ppm) and fed to the temperate oak tasar silkworms, Antheraea proylei J. from II instar to final stage larvae during spring and autumn crops. Worms fed with treated leaves showed superiority in expression of commercial characters over control which fed on leaves sprayed with distilled water only. While performance of both hormones was at par at 500 ppm dose, GA3 showed better performance than IAA at 300 and 700 ppm doses as it scored lesser than IAA in overall scoring at corresponding doses. ERR and absolute silk contents were found statistically significant in both GA3 and IAA treatments. Larval period exhibited significant differences in GA3 where SR% and larval weight were found to exhibit no significant differences in both hormonal treatments.
Though spraying of GA3 & IAA 500 ppm may revolutionise oak tasar production during spring crop, spraying of both the hormones on oak leaves and subsequent feeding by silkworms exhibited no impact on stabilization of crop during autumn season.