Study was conducted at Bhota Research Station of Dr Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, India to estimate the variability in seeds of Acacia catechu (Khair) collected from plus trees located at 24 provenances in Himachal Pradesh, India, during 2000-2001. Significant variations in germination (%) of seeds in nursery and seedling characters viz., collar diameter, plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, number of roots and root length was recorded among the 24 seed sources. However, seeds collected from provenances S4 (Wahad) and S8 (Bhatian) performed better than others. The estimates of heritability and coefficient of variation revealed that germination percent is highly heritable. Number of leaves in A. catechu exhibits high coefficient of variability, genetic advance and genetic gain.