The study was carried out for estimation of biomass and genetic variability of the seedlings of Acacia catechu Willd. during 1999 at Nauni, Himachal Pradesh. The seeds were collected from the trees having different stem forms, viz., F1 (forked), F2 (leaned), F3 (crooked) and F4 (straight) occurring at three different sites of Solan and Sirmour districts of Himachal Pradesh. Significant variation was observed in nursery parameters among seedlings. F2 showed maximum value for field germination (84.2%), collar diameter (7.2 mm), dry shoot weight (20.2 g), fresh shoot/root ratio (1.7) and dry shoot/root ratio (1.8). Forked stem form (F1) exhibited highest seedling height (66.2 cm), fresh shoot weight (47.7 g) and fresh root weight (37.7 g). Lowest values were observed in F4 except for maximum dry root weight (13.3 g). Therefore leaned (F2) and forked (F1) mother trees were found to be better for the growth and biomass traits of their seedlings. Further it is clear that the characteristics that showed high genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation, heritability, genetic gain and genetic advance are governed by the additive gene action and should be considered for selection of the individuals. Maximum value for these components except genetic advance was observed in fresh root weight followed by fresh shoot weight. Heritability was maximum in the biomass traits ranging from 91.1– 99.4 as compared to field germination (49.3), seedling height (62) and collar diameter (30.9).