Research Article | Published: 01 December 2003

Effect of auxin/chemical formulations on rooting behaviour of seabuck thorn (hippophae rhamnoides linn.)

G. S. Shamet and C. R. Naveen

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume: 10 | Issue: 3/4 | Page No. 182-185 | 2003
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A study was conducted to determine the effects of IBA/chemical formulations (in talc) on the rooting behaviour of Hippophae rhamnoides - a medicinal shrub of dry temperate Himalaya. Treatment of shoot cuttings with 0.4°/0 IBA formulation resulted in a high rooting success of 86.67 per cent and 33.33 per cent in August and March, respectively. Higher initial levels of total phenols, starch and carbohydrates exhibited better rooting performance in the species.


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How to cite

Shamet, G.S. and Naveen, C.R., 2003. Effect of auxin/chemical formulations on rooting behaviour of seabuck thorn (hippophae rhamnoides linn.). Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, 10(3/4), pp.182-185.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 01 December 2003

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