Issue 2, June 2010

Volume 17

14 articles in this issue

Harvesting/tapping techniques for production of natural resins andoleo-resins – A review

Niranjan Prasad and S. K. Giri

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 135 - 146

Published: 01-06-2010

Livelihood generation through non-timber forest products by rural poor in and around Dampa Tiger Reserve in Mizoram

Uttam Kumar Sahoo, J. Lalremruata, H. Lalramnghinglova, J. H. Lalremruata and C. Lalliankhuma

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 147 - 161

Published: 01-06-2010

Growth responses of Jatropha Curcas seedlings under different soil mixtures, fertilizer doses, irrigation regimes and sodicity levels

Nidhi Singh, A. K. Saxena and R. P. Singh

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 163 - 171

Published: 01-06-2010

Life history of Papilio Polytes Romulus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) on Murraya Koenigii (Curry leaf), an economically important medicinal plant in Jammu

J. S. Tara and Monika Sharma

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 173 - 178

Published: 01-06-2010

Germination and storage studies on Oroxylum Indicum (L.) vent. Seeds

Chandrasenan Rajeswary Chitra, Chandran Anilkumar and S. Bindu

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 179 - 181

Published: 01-06-2010

Storage behavior of Simarouba Glauca seed under different temperatures and containers

Satish S. Narkhede

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 183 - 185

Published: 01-06-2010

Ethnomedicinal plants of Shakumbari Devi region of district Saharanpur (U.P.)

Inam Mohammad, Vijai Malik and Pranita

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 187 - 195

Published: 01-06-2010

Treatment of malaria through herbal drugs from Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh

B.V.A. Ramarao Naidu, S. Prasanthi and T. V. V. Seetharami Reddi

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 197 - 199

Published: 01-06-2010

Lesser-known aromatic plants of Western Himalaya: A case study of Sangla Valley, Himachal Pradesh

Viraj Man Negi, Bhupendra Dutt, N. S. Chauhan and Shalu Devi Thakur

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 201 - 207

Published: 01-06-2010

Medicinal plants of Acharya Nagarjuna University campus and its immediate surrounding environment

K. Sunil Babu and K. Ammani

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 209 - 221

Published: 01-06-2010

Ethnomedicinal survey of district Haridwar, Uttarakhand with reference to climber plants

Nafeesh Ahamed, Neetu and A. K. Gupta

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 223 - 226

Published: 01-06-2010

Variation in soluble extractives, lignin and holocellose content of wood of high resin yielders and check trees in Chirpine (Pinus Roxburghii Sargent)

Ashish U. Nimkar, Kulwant Rai Sharma and Soniya A. Nimkar

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 227 - 231

Published: 01-06-2010

A supplement to the flora of Lahaul-Spiti

K. Chandra Sekar and S. K. Srivastava

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 232 - 258

Published: 01-06-2010

Selaginella Chrysocaulos (Hook. ET Grev.) Spring – An addition to the pteridophytic flora of central India

R. L. S. Sikarwar and H. C. Pande

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 17 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 259 - 260

Published: 01-06-2010