Diversity, distribution pattern and indigenous uses of medicinal plants in Khokhan Wildlife Sanctuary of Himachal Pradesh, North Western Himalaya, India
Vijay Kumar, Sher Singh Samant, Lalit Mohan Tewari, Om Prakash and Amit Singh
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 75 - 93
Published: 30-08-2024
The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) is the storehouse of wide variety of medicinal plants. However, protected areas in Himachal Pradesh are less explored for medicinal plants. As such, Khokhan Wildlife Sanctuary in Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh has not been explored for the medicinal plants diversity. Therefore, the present study was conducted to explore the medicinal plants diversity of the sanctuary during 2016-2023. The study recorded 377 medicinal plants belonging to 264 genera and 87 families. Of the recorded medicinal plants, 177 were natives, 83 near endemics and 06 endemics. Different parts of the medicinal plants were used by the inhabitants for curing cough, cold, fever, cuts, wounds, blood purification, tonic, liver and kidney complaints, antidote to snake, insect bite, etc. But, due to over exploitation, habitat degradation and changing environmental conditions, the populations of most of the species are declining rapidly in the sanctuary. Therefore, there is an urgent need to monitor the populations of these medicinal plants frequently by using ecological (quadrat) method, and create awareness among the inhabitants and Forest Department officials about the sustainable utilization.
Invasive alien plant species in Narepally Reserve Forest, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Shiphra Jones Devarapalli and Ammani Kandru
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 94 - 100
Published: 30-08-2024
Organisms of all domains of life are invading forest ecosystems worldwide. Human activities are causing major shifts in the community composition of many biological communities worldwide. Bio-invasive species are evident in the old areas of reforestation and plantations where exotic species have been introduced and from where they have spread. One of the interesting and challenging aspects of the forestry around the globe altering forests resulting in degraded forests and retarding ecological succession, are the forest invasive species. This is the first scientific report on the invasive alien species from the Narepally Reserve Forest, Hyderabad.
Ethnobotanical exploration of wild plants used by people of Outer Seraj Region of Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh, India
Nisha and Swaran Lata
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 101 - 117
Published: 30-08-2024
The objective of the study was to document the indigenous knowledge and traditional uses of plants used by the local communities residing in the outer Seraj region of the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. The methodology employed for the study involved extensive field surveys, ethnographic interviews and interactive sessions with local communities. This study witnessed use of 177 plant species being utilised by local communities for various purposes. The utilisation of species other than medicinal purpose includes fuelwood (39), edible (34), fodder (19), religious (17), handicrafts (13), veterinary (8), insecticidal (8), timber (5) and agricultural implements (3). An assessment of conservation status (IUCN, 2010 criterion based and CAMP, 2010) of these species showed 21 species in different threat categories, viz., Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (E) and Vulnerable (VU) in study region.
Some Indian medicinal plants for perinatal care: Mini Review
Krishnaveni Ayyadura, Sunitha Ranganathan, Tamilarasan Manivannan, Vadivalagan Velmurugan, Valarmathi Sankaranarayanan and Venkata Rathina Kumar Thiagarajan
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 118 - 120
Published: 30-08-2024
Perinatal care means healthcare during the span of period from pregnancy to postpartum which includes physical & emotional well-being of both mother and baby. This paper highlights the use of herbal sources in supporting maternal and neonatal health.
About fourteen medicinal plants are used for prenatal care (ten as single preparation and four compound preparation), twenty two medicinal plants for postnatal care (Nineteen single preparation and three compound preparation), twenty six medicinal plants used during labor and caesarean section pain.
Ethnobotanical appraisal of Non-Timber Forest Products from the hidden hamlet of Kasha-Pat of district Shimla, North-west Himalaya
Astha Chauhan and Vaneet Jishtu
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 121 - 132
Published: 30-08-2024
The current study for the very first-time documents 110 plants belonging to 49 different families and 92 genera along with their associated traditional ethnobotanical knowledge from the distant village of Kasha-Pat of district Shimla, Himachal Pradesh lying in the North-Western Himalaya. Apart from the qualitative ethnobotany, quantitative indices such as Use Value (UV), Informants Consensus Factor (ICF) and Fidelity Level (FL) were also analyzed for recognizing plant species with immense importance. Recognition of such traditional practices shall further foster sustainable management of resources followed by their conservation.
Ecological, Economic and Cultural Dynamics in the Dihing Patkai Landscape: An Overview
Pooja Dasgupta and Dhruba Jyoti Das
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 133 - 138
Published: 30-08-2024
The present paper attempts at giving the reader a bird's-eye view of the Dihing Patkai National Park as part of the broader Dehing Patkai Elephant Reserve, which belongs to the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot.
An ethnomedicinal study on climbers and lianas of Changar region in district Kangra of Himachal Pradesh, India
Bhagwati Prashad Sharma, Arti Jamwal Sharma and Arti Sharma
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 139 - 149
Published: 30-08-2024
Climbers and lianas serve as important sources of ethnomedicines, in addition to their role in ecosystem services and vegetation distribution. But, in the present era, traditional knowledge and ethnomedicinal practices of these plants are disappearing rapidly. So, current survey was aimed to record traditional medicinal uses of climbers and lianas in Changar region of district Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India. Interview method and semi-structured questionnaires were used to document findings followed by collection and identification of plants. Current study documented 52 plant species related to 43 genera of 21 families, utilized to cure 45 types of ailments. Plant parts were consumed directly (26%), followed by preparation of paste (17%) and decoction (13%). Quantitative methods including fidelity level, informant consensus factor, relative frequency of citation and use value were applied to gather information on medicinal plant use. Highest fidelity level (100%) as well as highest use value (0.95) were obtained for Clematis gouriana and Tinospora cordifolia.
Distributional note on Alternanthera pungens (Amaranthaceae)
Ritesh Kumar Singh, Kuldip Singh Dogra, Kumar Ambrish and Brajesh Meena
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 150 - 151
Published: 30-08-2024
This communication deals with the addition of Alternanthera pungens to the Flora of Himachal Pradesh from Nauni, Solan District. Field photographs and detailed description are provided for easy identification.