Issue 2, June 2024

Volume 31

8 articles in this issue

Diversity, distribution pattern and indigenous uses of medicinal plants in Khokhan Wildlife Sanctuary of Himachal Pradesh, North Western Himalaya, India

Vijay Kumar, Sher Singh Samant, Lalit Mohan Tewari, Om Prakash and Amit Singh

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 75 - 93

Published: 30-08-2024

Invasive alien plant species in Narepally Reserve Forest, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Shiphra  Jones  Devarapalli and Ammani  Kandru

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 94 - 100

Published: 30-08-2024

Ethnobotanical exploration of wild plants used by people of Outer Seraj Region of Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh, India

Nisha and Swaran Lata

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 101 - 117

Published: 30-08-2024

Some Indian medicinal plants for perinatal care: Mini Review

Krishnaveni Ayyadura, Sunitha Ranganathan, Tamilarasan Manivannan, Vadivalagan Velmurugan, Valarmathi Sankaranarayanan and Venkata Rathina Kumar Thiagarajan

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 118 - 120

Published: 30-08-2024

Ethnobotanical appraisal of Non-Timber Forest Products from the hidden hamlet of Kasha-Pat of district Shimla, North-west Himalaya

Astha Chauhan and Vaneet Jishtu

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 121 - 132

Published: 30-08-2024

Ecological, Economic and Cultural Dynamics in the Dihing Patkai Landscape: An Overview

Pooja Dasgupta and Dhruba Jyoti Das

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 133 - 138

Published: 30-08-2024

An ethnomedicinal study on climbers and lianas of Changar region in district Kangra of Himachal Pradesh, India

Bhagwati Prashad Sharma, Arti Jamwal Sharma and Arti Sharma

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 139 - 149

Published: 30-08-2024

Distributional note on Alternanthera pungens (Amaranthaceae)

Ritesh Kumar Singh, Kuldip Singh Dogra, Kumar Ambrish and Brajesh Meena

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 31 | Issue - 2 | Page No. 150 - 151

Published: 30-08-2024