Issue 4, December 2014

Volume 37

24 articles in this issue

Vegetational Diversity and its Change Dynamics in Indian Sundarbans

Hari Shankar Lal, Sanjay Singh and Animesh Sinha

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 365 - 370

Published: 01-12-2014

Assessment of Biomass Expansion Factor (BEF) and Root-to-shoot Ratio (R) for some Tree Species of Uttarakhand, India

Laxmi Rawat, Pramod  Kumar and Nishita  Giri

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 371 - 377

Published: 01-12-2014

Germination behavior of Pongamia pinnata Roxb. seeds in fly ash incorporated medium

Poomaruthai Masilamani, M. Paramathma, P. Balasubramanian and R. Jude Sudhagar

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 379 - 382

Published: 01-12-2014

Micropropagation of Plumbago Zeylanica L. through Axillary Bud Culture

J.M.S.  Chauhan and Prabha Bisht

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 383 - 386

Published: 01-12-2014

Effect of forest degradation on soil fertility status under Quercus leucotrichophora (Banj Oak)

Sneha Dobhal and Supriya  Rawat

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 387 - 390

Published: 01-12-2014

Population Status of Pittosporum Eriocarpum Royle: A Critical Endangered Species

Anup Chandra, Ashok  Kumar and Hemlata Bisht

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 391 - 392

Published: 01-12-2014

Evaluation of Copper Ethanolamine Boron to control white rot on Rubber wood

Aparna Kalawate

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 393 - 397

Published: 01-12-2014

Salient Features in the Biology of Curculionidae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

Neelima  Talwar

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 399 - 402

Published: 01-12-2014

Status of Reptiles Fauna in Tropical Forest Research Institute, Campus, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

Sanjay Paunikar

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 403 - 408

Published: 01-12-2014

Arthonia redingeri Grube (Lichenized Fungi), a new record for India

Pushpi Singh

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 409 - 411

Published: 01-12-2014

Nine New Records for Indian Flora

Manas Bhaumik and P. Satyanarayana

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 413 - 418

Published: 01-12-2014

Curcuma mukhraniae (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Western Ghats, India

Rajeev Kumar Singh and Arti Garg

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 419 - 422

Published: 01-12-2014

Anisomeles Tirunelveliensis - A New Species of Lamiaceae from Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, India

T. J. S. Rajakumar, R. Selvakumari and S. Murugesan

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 423 - 424

Published: 01-12-2014

The Genus Ruellia L. (Acanthaceae) in Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Chidambaram Murugan, Lal Ji Singh, S. Prabhu and R. Sathiyaseelan

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 425 - 428

Published: 01-12-2014

Scurrula Gracilifolia (Loranthaceae): A New Distributional Record from Gorumara National Park, West Bengal

Vinay Ranjan and Anant Kumar

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 429 - 430

Published: 01-12-2014

Rediscovery of Connarus Nicobaricus King (Connaraceae) From the Nicobar Islands, India

Chidambaram Murugan, S. Prabhu and R. Sathiyaseelan

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 431 - 433

Published: 01-12-2014

Extended distribution of Eria globulifera Seidenf. (Orchidaceae)

Dinesh Kumar Agrawala

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 435 - 437

Published: 01-12-2014

Some New Additions of Angiosperms for Chhattisgarh

Arjun Prasad Tiwari

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 439 - 444

Published: 01-12-2014

A selective study of online resources of information on Plant Taxonomy & Systematics: a new path of data flow to the users in the digital age

Partha  Sarathi  Das and Bhupendra Singh Kholia

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 445 - 455

Published: 01-12-2014

Ground flora in Assam Valley Tropical Wet Evergreen Forest

Ranjeet Kumar, Bhaskor  Rajbonshi, Dhruba Jyoti Das, Praveen Kumar Verma, H. R. Bora and Alok Yadav

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 457 - 464

Published: 01-12-2014

Notes on Sccarcely Collected Indian Liverworts I. Horikawaella Subacuta and Pleurozia Purpurea (Marchantiophyta)

Devendra Kumar Singh and Siddhartha Singh Deo

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 465 - 472

Published: 01-12-2014

Notes on a Rare Species of the Genus Androcorys (Orchideceae) - A. Josephi (Rchb. f.) Agrawala & H. J. Chowdhery in India

Lawkush and Manas R. Debta

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 473 - 476

Published: 01-12-2014

New Records of Graphidaceous Lichens from Western Ghats, India

H. Biju, R. G. Bagool and Sanjeeva  Nayaka

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 477 - 481

Published: 01-12-2014

New Combination in Orchidaceae

Lawkush and Vikas Kumar

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 37 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 483 - 484

Published: 01-12-2014