Issue 4, December 2002

Volume 25

20 articles in this issue

Plantation forestry research in India: A mini review

N. P. Melkania and Kusum Arunachalam

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 377 - 386

Published: 01-12-2002

Leaf growth patterns in some dominant trees of a sub-tropical forest of Uttaranchal (Garhwal) Himalaya

Aravind Kumar and Bhim Singh

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 387 - 405

Published: 01-12-2002

Clonal propagation of Quercus griffithii Hook. & Thom. ex Miq. through air layering

P. K. Srivastav, Th. S. Singh, N. Ibohal Singh and K. Thangavelu

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 406 - 410

Published: 01-12-2002

Effect of stem cutting diameter on growth and survival of Salix clones in nursery under shallow water table conditions

B. C. Saini, R. V. Singh and Peeyush Sharma

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 411 - 414

Published: 01-12-2002

Effect of soil pH and organic matter on germination and growth attributes of Pungam (Pongamia pinnata Roxb.)

Poomaruthai Masilamani, K. Annadurai and P. Saravanapandian

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 415 - 419

Published: 01-12-2002

Effect of seed size and storage temperature on germination of Toona ciliata seeds

Poonam Sharma, Vidya Thakur and Pankaj Panwar

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 420 - 423

Published: 01-12-2002

Herbage production under Pinus roxburghii Sargent - A Silvipastoral system in mid hills of Himachal Pradesh, India

B. Gupta, N. K. Gupta and Kulwant Rai Sharma

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 424 - 427

Published: 01-12-2002

Seasonal floristic composition under Eucalytpus tereticornis Smith plantation in upper Gangetic plain

Nawa Bahar and A. K. Jain

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 428 - 442

Published: 01-12-2002

Studies on variability of growth parameters in Mulberry (Morus spp.) Germplasm

A. Ananda Rao and A. Tikader

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 443 - 447

Published: 01-12-2002

Diversity at top canopy levels in Sardar Sarovar Dam areas in Madhya Pradesh

S. K. Masih

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 448 - 452

Published: 01-12-2002

Productivity of four common Kharif field crops in the allies of four tree species

Subash Chandra Mohapatra

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 453 - 455

Published: 01-12-2002

Tricotylous seedlings in Acacia nilotica (Linn.) Willd. (Mimosaceae)

Kesari Nagesh, G. K. Goud and Tej Singh Kardam

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 456 - 457

Published: 01-12-2002

Efficacy of different sterilants in sterilization of nodal explants of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. from mature trees

Ila Joshi, Prabha Bisht and Shivam Kumar Sharma

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 458 - 462

Published: 01-12-2002

Fungitoxic potency of some essential oils in management of damping-off diseases in soil infested with Pythium aphanidermatum and P. debaryanum

N. Kishore and Nawal Kishor Dubey

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 463 - 468

Published: 01-12-2002

Nutrient dynamics of grasses at different aspects under Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii) stands in mid hills of Himalayas

Vipan Guleria, R. K. Nayital and B. Gupta

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 469 - 471

Published: 01-12-2002

Is Copeland’s bamboo (Bambusa copelandi Gamble ex Brandis) ‘presumed extinct’? – A taxonomic search for its whereabouts

Sas. Biswas and S. S. Jain

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 472 - 475

Published: 01-12-2002

A note on the flowering behaviour and a new infra specific combination under Drepanostachyum falcatum (nees) Keng in the Kumaun Himalaya of Uttaranchal

Sas. Biswas, S. S. Jain and Mohinder Pal

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 476 - 478

Published: 01-12-2002

Species hitherto unknown to Uttaranchal flora

Prashant K. Pusalkar, Pragyan Kukreti, B. P. Uniyal and Devendra Kumar Singh

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 479 - 480

Published: 01-12-2002

In-vitro clonal propagation of mature Eucalyptus F1 hybrid (E. citriodora Hook. x E. torelliana F.V.Muell.)

Prabha Bisht, V. K. Sharma and D. P. Uniyal

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 481 - 485

Published: 01-12-2002

An updated catalogue of ferns and ferns allies of Garhwal himalaya

P. C. Pande and H. C. Pande

Indian Journal of Forestry | Volume - 25 | Issue - 4 | Page No. 486 - 498

Published: 01-12-2002