Preliminary evaluation of natural and radiation induced variability in M1 population of Andrographis paniculata Nees from Gujarat
Mamta Jamwal and B. L. Kaul
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 1 - 4
Published: 01-03-1997
Effect of digested bio-gas leaf slurry on seed germination and seedling growth in Gliricidia sepium
S. Banik, P. K. Kulkarni, A. R. Supate and S. H. Pawar
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 5 - 8
Published: 01-03-1997
Genetic diversity and conservation in Terminalia arjuna and Terminalia tomentosa
P. K. Srivastav and K. Thangavelu
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 9 - 16
Published: 01-03-1997
Capsule and seed polymorphism in Moringa oleifera Lamk. and its influence on seed germination and longevity
Sandeep Sharma, Dinesh Kumar, Neelu Gera and R. L. Srivastava
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 17 - 22
Published: 01-03-1997
Effect of pre-treatments on germination of Asparagus racemosus seeds
K. C. Chacko and P. K. Chandrasekhara Pillai
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 23 - 25
Published: 01-03-1997
Survey and biological activity of some ethnomedicinal plants
K. K. Singh, S. K. Palvi and B. S. Aswal
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 26 - 31
Published: 01-03-1997
GC/MS investigations of Methyl Chavicol rich strain of Ocimum basilicum L.
R. K. Khanna, A. R. Chowdhury, R. M. Raina and M. L. Sharma
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 32 - 33
Published: 01-03-1997
Micropropagation of Azadirachta indica A.Juss. from nodal segments of three year old trees
Mallika Vanangamudi, Kallappan Thangamuthu Parthiban, C. Surendran and R. Annamalai
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 34 - 37
Published: 01-03-1997
Radiation breeding potentials of Pleurotus sajor-caju
Manju Aggarwal and J. L. Kachroo
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 38 - 41
Published: 01-03-1997
Nutritional value of some major food plants of Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan
Md. Nayerul Haque
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 42 - 47
Published: 01-03-1997
Physico-chemical characteristics of honeys from Apis florea in Kutch, Gujarat
D. M. Wakhle and D. V. E. Pais
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 48 - 50
Published: 01-03-1997
Storage behaviour of Shorea robusta seed under different temperatures and containers
Gurudev Chand, S. D. Bhardwaj and S. Narkhede
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 51 - 53
Published: 01-03-1997
An edible Himalayan pine: Present status and future prospect
N. B. Singh and C. V. Sarswat
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 54 - 57
Published: 01-03-1997
Character association and path analysis in Tamarind. Nature of associations of pulp yield attributes and their path in Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) across two diverse provenances of southern Karnataka
S. Ganga Prasad, T. E. Nagaraja, R. S. Kulkarni, G. S. K. Swamy and G. T. Basavaraja
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 58 - 60
Published: 01-03-1997
Folk medicines of Gond tribe of Seoni district, M.P., India
M. K. Rai and A. K. Pandey
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 61 - 69
Published: 01-03-1997
Human resource development through vocational training: An effective tool for forest extension
R. B. Lal, A. K. Bisaria and A. K. Pandey
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 70 - 72
Published: 01-03-1997
Studies on floral-biology and breeding system of Apium graveolens L. (Celery)
Mamta Jamwal and B. L. Kaul
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 73 - 77
Published: 01-03-1997
Ethnobotanical studies on some important food and medicinal plants of north-eastern India and strategy for their conservation
Sas. Biswas
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 78 - 84
Published: 01-03-1997
Salicornia: A miracle halophyte
M. U. Kukadia and V. S. Patel
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 85 - 86
Published: 01-03-1997
Growing market of Herbal medicines
Taj Rawat
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume - 4 | Issue - 1/2 | Page No. 87 - 88
Published: 01-03-1997
Variation in chemical composition of seeds of Neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss.) from different agro-climatic zones of Gujarat
P. K. Gupta and H. Kumar